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Planting a different narrative

EVENT PREMIERE - FutureSeeds LIVE 26th May 2021, Byron Bay Australia


How meditation can improve our communication and heal society, with Susan Barnes

How meditation can improve our communication and heal society, with Susan Barnes

My speaker for this episode is Susan Barnes. Susan has an amazing story. In the first part of her life, she was the controller of a hedge fund, before becoming a meditation teacher, personal growth facilitator and artist. In episode 17, we discussed meditation in relation to work and purpose. And in this episode, we discuss the impact meditation can have on our mental health, communication, relationships, and even its potential in healing our civilization. We discuss deep listening versus needing to be right, the imbalance of feminine and masculine in decision-making roles, and the link between love and meditation. I invite you to listen to this conversation until the end as I always find my speakers’ message to the world to be the most beautiful part of my interviews.

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Meditation, purpose and work

Meditation, purpose and work

In this episode, I interview Susan Barnes. Susan has an amazing story. In the first part of her life she was the controller of a hedge fund, before becoming a meditation teacher, personal growth facilitator, and artist. In our conversation she develops what it was like to have a high-level job in finance, and to feel misaligned with her purpose. We explore the delicate balance between our outer life – the work we do and our existence within society – and our inner world or spiritual reality. We even dwell on questions such as “how to stay in a state of stillness even while being an active, goal-oriented person”.

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